In Win10 bcdedit /?, the help text says it will store boot configuration parameters in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) entries.

bcdedit /?

Is that ridiculous? As far as I know, bcdedit stores configs in disk files.

To be concrete...

※ If a typical x64 PC's BIOS determines that it should boot the PC in Legacy BIOS mode,

  1. It load the first disk sector(the MBR sector) into RAM and execute.
  2. This MBR code in turn loads the first sector of the active partition(OS boot sector) into RAM and executes.
  3. The OS boot sector in turn loads the \bootmgr file (no filename extension) into RAM and executes.
  4. The bootmgr code finds \Boot\BCD (no filename extension again) to get [boot configurations we previously set by running bcdedit].

※ If a typical x64 PC's BIOS determines that it should boot the PC in UEFI mode,

  1. It finds an EFI System Partition and loads \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi into RAM and executes.
  2. bootx64.efi then reads \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD for boot configuration parameters.

There seems nothing to do with NVRAM. Could it mean something (in bcdedit context) that does not exist on a harddisk, but on some PC mainboard chip(let me call it BIOS-area)?

If bcdedit could really store/change some data in BIOS-area, please cite an example. I mean, what kind of bcdedit parameters could cause BIOS-area data to be changed?

  • “Is that ridiculous?” - No; It’s not; NVRAM most definitely takes a part in UEFI boot entries.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 5:41
  • You missed the word "previously"?
    – Tom Yan
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 6:18

1 Answer 1


You skipped quite a few steps for UEFI mode. You're right that "It finds an EFI System Partition and loads \EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi" is one of them, but it is the fallback behavior (officially, it's the "removable disk" behavior) – there is a step or two that involve the motherboard's NVRAM before reaching this point.

First, as described in the UEFI Specification (PDF), the firmware provides extensive "boot" and "runtime" services (similar in principle to BIOS interrupts), among them the "Variable Services" (section 8.2) which allow the OS to save various key-value pairs in system NVRAM. (Typically it's the same flash memory aka "CMOS" that the firmware uses for its own settings, and many systems actually store all firmware settings as EFI variables.)

Usually the OS will expose the Variable Services API to user-space programs in some way, e.g. Windows provides SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable() while Linux has a virtual filesystem at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars.

Also, as described in section 2.1 and section 3, the firmware has its own boot manager which "will attempt to load UEFI drivers and UEFI applications (including UEFI OS boot loaders) in an order defined by the global NVRAM variables". The firmware boot manager is basically the same F8 or F10 "boot menu" that you've probably used, but in addition to listing whole disks, now it also lists individual .efi files for operating systems.

(This feature actually predates UEFI by quite a bit – the "previously" in your quote refers to either Alpha AXP and/or Itanium IA64 EFI, both of which ran Windows; both of which existed at the same time as Boot.ini (i.e. before BCD); and both of which had firmware boot managers. I don't have links to specifications for either, though.)

The EFI "boot manager" mainly uses NVRAM variables named Boot#### (4-digit number), BootOrder and BootNext to list the installed operating systems. Whenever Windows installs its own BOOTMGR (which can be done manually using bcdboot.exe), it also uses the EFI Variable Services (through the API provided by Windows) to create a Boot0000 entry pointing at \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\Bootmgfw.efi, titled "Windows Boot Manager".

You can in fact see these entries via bcdedit /enum firmware, though they'll be heavily translated into Windows BCD-like format (as the same tool handles both EFI and BCD entries), or by running efibootmgr [-v] from within Linux or FreeBSD:

BootCurrent: 0003
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0003,0005,2003,0002,2001,2002
Boot0000* UEFI Onboard LAN IPv4     PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(3417eb7eda76,0)/IPv4(,0,0)RC
Boot0001* UEFI Onboard LAN IPv6     PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/MAC(3417eb7eda76,0)/IPv6([::]:<->[::]:,0,0)RC
Boot0002* HDD1-1 (Samsung SSD 860)  PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,0x2)/Sata(0,0,0)/HD(1,GPT,b7245b9a-d13f-4d97-8bff-901255bfd7ad,0x1000,0x100000)RC
Boot0003* Linux Boot Manager        HD(1,GPT,b7245b9a-d13f-4d97-8bff-901255bfd7ad,0x1000,0x80000)/File(\EFI\systemd\systemd-bootx64.efi)
Boot0004* Arch Linux LTS            HD(1,GPT,b7245b9a-d13f-4d97-8bff-901255bfd7ad,0x1000,0x100000)/File(\EFI\Linux\vmlinuz-linux-lts.efi)
Boot0005* EFI Shell                 HD(1,GPT,b7245b9a-d13f-4d97-8bff-901255bfd7ad,0x1000,0x80000)/File(\shellx64.efi)

So the real steps for UEFI firmware (again described in section 3) are:

  1. It reads EFI filesystem paths from the Boot#### variables as indicated by BootNext or BootOrder, then attempts to load and run each file as an .efi executable, in the specified order. (Boot items not listed in BootOrder are inactive.)

  2. If none of the active Boot#### variables could be executed, it usually falls back to the "removable disk" behavior of scanning all disks for an EFI System Partition that contains \EFI\Boot\Boot[cpuarch].efi and executing that. This is also what happens if you manually select a whole disk from the firmware's boot menu.

    (Practically all systems that I've seen apply this to fixed internal disks as well. This allows booting the installed OS whenever the disk is moved to another motherboard or the NVRAM data is lost for whatever reason, as well as installing an OS for EFI even if the install media can't be booted in EFI mode for some reason and therefore Variable Services are unavailable.)

  3. (As a last resort, some firmwares (mostly those built on EDK2) will run an embedded copy of the EFI Shell, which is an interactive CLI somewhat similar to MS-DOS and lets you run an .efi file manually. Some other firmwares instead will open a file browser GUI where you can choose which .efi file to run. Others just drop to the firmware setup screen.)

This EFI boot process was heavily inspired by the one found in Alpha (which was the primary WinNT platform before x86). To some extent, NTLDR and Boot.ini in Windows NT/2000/XP imitates the Alpha AXP firmware-based boot entries, including even the use of ARC paths for the system disk.

Similarly, Windows XP was also available for EFI on the Itanium IA64 where it relied completely on the EFI boot manager (as far as I know, it did not have its own boot menu), so "These parameters were previously in..." most likely refers to XP's use of native EFI boot manager features alongside the x86 version that used Boot.ini.

(So I suspect that the current Windows Boot Manager and its BCD was created because Microsoft kept finding the AXP- and EFI-provided interfaces inadequate, but it still mimics EFI-style boot to some extent, e.g. even BIOS installations now have a dedicated "system partition" and no longer place BOOTMGR directly on C:\.)

Perhaps because of the latter, the bcdedit tool manages both kinds of boot entries – both EFI firmware as well as Windows BCD – through a unified interface. For example, by default bcdedit will list the Windows BCD entries used by BOOTMGR, but if you specify the /enum firmware option, then it will list EFI NVRAM entries used by the firmware boot menu (although in a format very different from the real thing).

  • Thank you for your abundant answer. But, I think I need time to verify this. On PC-A, bcdedit /enum firmware really lists some "new" entires with description text "Windows Boot Manager", however, that does NOT manifest those enum-ed info is from NVRAM. I think those "firmware" entries are still recorded in BCD file, because, when I copy PC-A's B:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD to another PC (call it PC-B) as D:\test\BCD.bin , bcdedit /store D:\test\BCD.bin /enum firmware list exact the same entries. So, the conclusion is still pending.
    – Jimm Chen
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 9:05
  • It is possible that they are copied from firmware to BCD at some point, but they always reflect external changes to NVRAM entries (e.g. made by another OS), and changes to those entries are also reflected in the firmware. Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 9:52
  • You’re missing an additional optional step. A number of firmware implementations will check for \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi (the standard Windows boot loader path) either before or after looking in the removable media paths even if it’s not defined in the boot entries. Some (very much not compliant) implementations even blindly ignore the Boot* variables and even the removable media paths, and only boot that specific path and nothing else. Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 14:25
  • @user1686 A harsh question: If BCD config entries could be stored into motherboard NVRAM, then when one day I remove my harddisk from the motherboard, will UEFI firmware preserve those entries or delete them? It's a dilemma for UEFI firmware code, because, the firmware code does NOT know whether the harddisk is remove by me temporarily or permanently.
    – Jimm Chen
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 14:54
  • @JimmChen: 1) they're not BCD entries – they're read by the firmware boot manager, whereas BCD is for the Windows Boot Manager; 2) it varies – depends on which manufacturer's EFI firmware you're using; some implementations automatically delete entries for missing disks (even during a temporary removal) while others keep them forever (until manually deleted). For example, Aptio (ASUS) and HP firmwares seem to keep such entries, whereas if I remember correctly, Gigabyte likes to automatically delete them... Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 15:08

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