I am developing an embedded device based on Linux and Busybox, and trying to make it adaptable to different network configurations. I want to:

1- At boot time, if there is no DHCP reply, use an AutioIP address.
2- At run time, if a DHCP server become available, start using it.

Point 1 seems easy as I can set my eth0 to manual in my /etc/network/interfaces, and set up command to

udhcpc eth0 --now || zcip eth0 /etc/zcip.script

I am not sure of point 2. If I run both udhcpc and zcip daemons simultaneously, would they play well together?

  • Sounds pretty close to what the avahi project provides
    – dawud
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 14:31
  • I am not looking for an AutoIP daemon, there are multiple on the market. My problem is detecting and acting on the presence of DHCP. cnnman see,s promising Commented May 2, 2013 at 14:35

2 Answers 2


You can do this with udhcpc+avahi. Avahi is zeroconf implementation for linux. It provides autoip (giving an address without dhcp) and mDNS (name resolution withoud DNS server).

I got it working in an embedded system with buildroot. There's also a modified udhcpc start script that enable fallback to autoip when dhcp isn't available.


If you only need to use AutoIP as a fallback to DHCP at boot time, then perhaps instruct zcip to get an address and exit instead of running as a daemon.

At boot time you'd do:

udhcpc eth0 --now || zcip -f -q eth0 /etc/zcip.script

When this command completes, either udhcpc will be running, or you will have a link local address

Then when a DHCP server becomes available, start the udhcpc daemon.

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