Strange problem. I have a huge Eclipse-based application that frequently spawns copy of its self. On each copy launch there is mouse and sound lags, overall responsiveness of a system is just terrible for 5-10 seconds. There is no such thing with other apps, no matter native, Java or .NET, but every Eclipse-based app I have tried gives that effect.

The machine is a little outdated (E8400, 4 GB, 9800 GTX+), but it handles everything I need pretty fast except Eclipse, even my laptop that is much slower in overall handles it well. There is no notable saturation in CPU, disk or memory usage.

What can I do with it, guys?

2 Answers 2


I have same issues (AMD Athlon II X3, Intel x25M SSD, 8Gb RAM) same lags with different jdks (from 1.6.09 to 1.7.21) the only workaround I found is to reduce the priority of the eclipse process to "Below normal" from "Normal" before choosing worspace


Close all unwated apps and free up some memory the, Reduce some Visual effects too. This might free up resources and could give a slight speed boost.

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