Having a lovely time trying to find the "platform-specific" settings file referred to in Preferences.sublime-settings, so I can change the font:

// Note that the font_face and font_size are overridden in the platform
// specific settings file, for example, "Preferences (Linux).sublime-settings".
// Because of this, setting them here will have no effect: you must set them
// in your User File Preferences.
"font_face": "",
"font_size": 10,

Oh, with some studious effort I can determine where the regular Preferences file resides. (Since I can't, say, right-click in Sublime Text somewhere and select something like "Show file in Folder" to take me into Explorer and to the Preferences folder, I can't even easily find that without some acrobatics.) Now I'm looking for where or how to find or create this "platform-specific" settings, but there's no explanation here and I've already spent 10 minutes searching various keywords in two search engines. Any ideas, or should I spend another half hour of my life reinventing the wheel? I am using Windows 10.

I've already looked at this answer and it doesn't clarify.

  • For my system (and for posterity), I find my Preferences.sublime-settings file in: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User Am I supposed to put the file in there? What name must I put? Is there some template? Is this documented anywhere? Commented Jul 7 at 1:29
  • From Google search for "sublime user file preferences folder location" I've found a clue at sublimetext.com/docs/2/settings.htm - conceivably helpful information about the file format, but no clarity on either (1) platform-specific directory location for the file or (2) specifics on the filename format such as how to derive the <platform> term in the filename. More troubling, there is a warning that this is for an old version and it directs me to the root (!) of the current version documentation. So, thanks much -- I get to do some more snorkeling. Commented Jul 7 at 1:43
  • After some digging, I dredged up sublimetext.com/docs/settings.html#settings-files at the path Documentation -> Settings -> Settings files, but it is as incomplete as the earlier version regarding the two questions of concern. In fact, it's substantially the same as the previous version mentioned above. I will assume I should put the file in the same directory, but I'm still baffled as to what <platform> must be in order to actually be found when Sublime Text launches! Commented Jul 7 at 1:49
  • Google "Preferences (<platform>).sublime-settings" takes me to all the same places (including this thread!). I guessed "Preferences (Windows).sublime-settings" and found a lot of hits, top being the unofficial documentation and something at Sublime HQ. Commented Jul 7 at 1:56
  • Creating and adding the two lines to "Preferences (Windows).sublime-settings" has no effect at all. Bizarrely, however, there is already a file named Preferences.sublime-settings in C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User (aka %APPDATA%\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User). Contrary to documentation, editing that file (and NOT the <platform>-specific file) has the necessary effect of changing the settings. In fact, at least the font changes become visible the instant you change this file. Commented Jul 7 at 2:02

1 Answer 1


Official documentation does not appear to be helpful. For Windows, I found the user Preferences file locations at %APPDATA%\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User (%APPDATA% is often at C:\Users\admin\ or C:\Users<your username>), where I presume one may also create a so-called "platform-specific" Preferences file. According to unofficial documentation and a post on the forum, the correct file name, for Windows for example, would be "Preferences (Windows).sublime-settings" ("Linux" or "OSX" are other choices).

However, creating and editing a file with this name may have no effect, as was the case when I tried. Cryptically, 1 states: "This is important: Platform-specific settings files in the Packages/User folder are ignored. This way, you can be sure a single settings file overrides all the others." That suggests that there may be a different correct location to place a platform-specific file, but no documentation I've been able to find after an hour has any information as to where that file ought to be.

That said, there ought to be a "Preferences.sublime-settings" (without the platform-specific name) already in that same Packages/User directory (if not, you could try to create and modify it). In my version, apparently as a default this file contained:

    "font_size": 14,
        "Package Control",
    "theme": "auto",

Changing the "font_size" parameter and saving the file gave immediate gratification. Presumably, changing other values in there should yield the desired effect.

This worked for me (Stable Channel, Build 4169) on Windows 10.

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