
Ssd is also in but wprking slow speed , i5 ,10 th generation laptop ,just processor is 1GHz is problem.

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  • 10th generation i5 at 1GHz? there is no such processor - Also, it's highly unlikely that you can swap CPU in a HP laptop Commented 2 days ago
  • CPUs can't be swapped in laptops unless the laptop was offered with different CPU versions when built and the OEM used the same motherboard for them. On some laptops you can upgrade to a higher GHz processor, but it's rare with laptops and impossible on newer ones in the past five years or so since the CPUs, and sometimes RAM, are soldered directly to the motherboard. If the CPU is running 790MHz - 1GHz, never going higher, it's likely a PSID [Power Supply ID] pin issue either with the power supply's center PSID pin, or the DC jack's PSID center receptacle on the laptop - a common issue
    – JW0914
    Commented yesterday
  • (Cont'd...) If it's a PSID issue, try disconnecting the power supply from it's source and re-seating the DC jack. If that doesn't resolve, verify the power supply supports PSID (some generics and knockoffs don't), and if it does, it's likely a faulty PSID pin on the power supply's DC jack - replacing the power supply is the only solution if so. The PSID center receptacle on the laptop's DC jack can get damaged and break loose from the rear of the port, but it's often the power supply that's the issue. If it is the motherboard's DC jack, it has to be desoldered and a new one soldered on.
    – JW0914
    Commented yesterday


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