Does anybody know how to delete these red dots with tooltips?

There are not connected to any layer. Even if i delete all layers from the project these points remane in an empty project. Closing the project and reopen it, does not help. I don´t even know where they come from.

I´m using QGIS-LTR 3.34.7.

phantom points in qgis

1 Answer 1


These are called "text annotations" and are part of the annotations introduced with QGIS 3.22: https://docs.qgis.org/3.34/en/docs/user_manual/map_views/map_view.html#annotation-tools

Click on the text annotations symbol enter image description here, then click on the annotations and hit the delete button on your keyboard.

If you do not see that button, you need to enable "Annotations Toolbar" via View --> Toolbars.

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