I have a custom HID (Human Interface Device) and would like to test its behavior when the device is in Suspend mode. I'm seeking a method to initiate Suspend Mode specifically for this HID device on my Windows 10 PC, without putting the entire system to sleep.

Is there a developer tool or any recommended approach to achieve this without affecting the overall system's power state? Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

2 Answers 2


Suspend is a BIOS function and so suspending a portion of Windows without suspending the whole machine is not possible.

Best solution (my opinion) is an expensive machine that you can suspend and test your HID Device. Develop on the main machine.

You can also suspend a Virtual Machine (VMware does this very well and there are other virtualizing apps) and then suspend the HID device in a virtual machine.


You can't suspend a device, per se, but you can easily disable it in a few ways:

  • Press Windows, type devm and select devmgmt.msc to open Device Manager.

    Select a USB device, right-click on it, and select Disable device.

  • A USB device can be disabled, and re-enabled, by a Registry script. Open Regedit to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\, find the USB device, and set Start to 4 to disable it.

  • Use a third-party tool, such as Nirsoft's free USVDeview to enable and disable a device. The tool also has command-line options, and can create a desktop shortcut to perform an action.

  • Use Group Policy to enable or disable a device.

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