
i am helping a freind install windows on their thinkpad using a usb stick i went into the bios and put usb on the top of the boot oreder turned it on and lo and behold ubuntu booted so i went back to the bios looked ubuntu was at the top of the boot order so i removed it from the boot order and turned it on and ubuntu booted i looked in the bios there it was at the top of the boot order finaly i tried one more thing i used rm -rf / it worked i rebooted and got a screen saying to pick a bootable device i picked the usb drive (it was the only option ) it rebooted back to that screen so im wondering what i should do i am mostly sure that i saved the bios right Update i forgot about secure boot it might have that enabeld

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 14, 2023 at 14:54
  • sorry to clarify i am looking for an way to install windows
    – avni
    Commented Jun 14, 2023 at 16:43
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1 Answer 1


Boot to BIOS, make sure nothing more unneeded is in the Boot order.

Now reset BIOS to default, save and exit.

Now start with a Lenovo or a Microsoft Windows 10 USB and install Windows.

That should work and it does on my Lenovo computers.

  • thank you ill try that
    – avni
    Commented Jun 14, 2023 at 16:43

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