I installed Slax Linux onto my USB drive and used the Universal USB installer to make it bootable. I ran the bootinst.bat file and it said I was good to go. Then I changed the boot sequence in my BIOS to prioritize the USB. But when I rebooted, it just booted back to windows. Then, I pressed F12 before boot and got a boot options menu where I could choose the USB, the SSD (Windows), or I could enter BIOS again. When I choose to boot from USB, it loads for about half a second before taking me to the exact same screen. I just want to boot Linux from USB, how do I do this?

1 Answer 1

  1. Check that your BIOS/UEFI settings are compatible with SLAX. You may need to change legacy USB support, secure boot or other settings.
  2. Be sure you're using the correct version: is you PC 32- or 64-bit?
  3. Check that your USB flash drive is formatted so that the BIOS/UEFI can read it - FAT32 is most common.
  4. Download the latest Universal USB Installer (UUI), start with a clean, correctly formatted USB flash drive, and follow the directions for letting UUI install SLAX.

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