I have a file called ffmpeg.cmd which has inpoints and outpoints.

file 'testA.webm'
inpoint 00:02:11.032
outpoint 00:02:36.900
file 'testA.webm'
inpoint 00:09:06.100
outpoint 00:09:43.799

If I run ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -async 1 -i ffmpeg.cmd out.mp4 I do not get precise cuts. They can be a second or more off. I found another question about this which suggested setting async to 1, but I couldn't get that to work either.

I tried converting the original webm to mp4 (going from VP9 to h264) and I still had the same issue. Is there a certain codec my source video needs to be in order for ffmpeg to make percise cuts, or another argument I need on the command line?

  • 2
    you can convert testA.webm to huffyuv format ffmpeg -i "testA.webm" -c:v huffyuv -c:a pcm_s16le -y "testA.mkv" where every frame is keyframe Commented Apr 27, 2023 at 7:47


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