I use NordVPN and wanted to set it up network-wide using my TP Link ER605 V2 router. It claims IKEv2 support, but seems to require a pre-shared key (Which Nord doesn't offer) instead of an option for just a username/password for authentication.

Is there any other way to set it up using IKEv2, even if using custom firmware? If not, any suggestions for a simple router or device that could be used as an IKEv2 client with just a username/password to authenticate? Doesn't need wifi etc, just a bare bones VPN device to sit in the middle between my modem and main switch.

I know the ER605 supports OpenVPN, but I've tried that and it absolutely tanks our speed. So I'd prefer to stick to IKEv2 even if it means buying a new device.

  • 1
    Nord provides a client certificate for IKEv2/IPsec connections. If the router supports OpenWRT or similar (see here) you might be able to utilize the cert. The entire router support is pretty new for Nord so PSK-authentication might be in the pipeline. Talk to their support, I've found them pretty responsive. Commented Apr 7, 2023 at 4:56
  • Doesn’t seem that would be possible with the ER605. I did check in with support but seems they won’t comment much on anything that isn’t already on the website. Any suggestions for a basic router that would support IKEv2 with username/password auth at the moment? @Peregrino69
    – Blake
    Commented Apr 7, 2023 at 18:10
  • Ah. Well, the 1st line guys have a limited set of tools... I've usually gotten through to 2nd line when needed. But I did keep bugging them about the router connectivity for about 3 years so... Sorry I don't know which ones might work beyond their recommendations. They've now partnered with Wireguard, the Wireguard NordLynx WiFi 6 Router - Privacy Hero works with NordLynx protocol. Commented Apr 7, 2023 at 18:44


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