I have an OpenVPN server set up via my Asus DSL-AC68U router, and can connect to it remotely and access the internet through it without issues, using both my iOS device and Tunnelblick on OS X as clients.

However, when accessing via VPN, my client cannot access/ping a specific IP on the LAN - I can ping/access 4 devices on the network apart from just one. The specific computer I am trying to connect to is a JACE NiagaraAX, which is possibly linux-based, set to a static ip of

I have no problem connecting/pinging it from the same subnet as it on the LAN ( subnet), but cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to access it via the VPN ( subnet).

Is this a routing issue? I'm not sure, because when I do a traceroute via the VPN it seems to me to be trying to connect to it via the correct gateway ( is my VPN server gateway):

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 (  25.904 ms  25.042 ms  24.276 ms
2  * * * *
3  * * * *`

Here is my configuration for OpenVPN (mostly the Asus AC68U defaults):

  • Interface Type: TUN
  • Protocol: UDP
  • Server Port: 1194
  • Firewall: Auto
  • Authorization Mode: TLS
  • Username/Password Auth. Only: No
  • Extra HMAC authorization: Disable
  • VPN Subnet / Netmask:
  • Poll Interval: 0
  • Push LAN to clients: Yes
  • Direct clients to redirect traffic: No
  • Respond to DNS: Yes
  • Advertise DNS to clients: Yes
  • Encryption cipher: Default
  • Compression: Adaptive
  • TLS Regeneration Time: -1
  • Manage client specific options: No
  • There's nothing wrong with this: some pcs, like Windows for instance, do not reply to ICMP traffic if it does come from within the LAN they belong to: I have exactly the same configuration as you, and the same result. I could establish that Windows pc do not reply by analyzing traffic via wireshark (or tcpdump). If you can install any such program on your LAN, you will see the same: the ICMP packet reaches the JACE machine, but nothing comes out of it. Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 14:24

1 Answer 1


It turned out that the gateway on the computer I was trying to connect to wasn't set correctly. Once I set it to I could immediately connect to it via the remote computers on the VPN ( subnet).

  • Thank you! You're a life saver. I just wasted over an hour on this !
    – dtroy
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 13:27
  • No worries - took me a LOT more than an hour to figure this out
    – gammachill
    Commented Sep 26, 2017 at 16:41

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