winget v1.4.10173

While performing winget upgrade --all I got the folowing result:

Name               Id             Version   Available Source
MariaDB 10.5 (x64) MariaDB.Server  winget
2 upgrades available.

The following packages have an upgrade available, but require explicit targeting for upgrade:
Name        Id          Version  Available Source
MSYS2 64bit MSYS2.MSYS2 20220503 20230127  winget
2 package(s) have version numbers that cannot be determined. Use --include-unknown to see all results.
6 package(s) have version numbers that cannot be determined. Use --include-unknown to see all results.
1 package(s) is pinned and needs to be explicitly upgraded.

Some blogs mention the --include-explicit switch but there is no such option in v1.4.10173.

For updating msys2, what I actually want is to run pacman -Syuu in msys2 shell. As I understand it, updating msys2 via winget would result in the deletion of all data stored in the current msys2 installation folders. Even if the option --include-explicit were available, using it could be fatal.

What is the right way to update msys2 installed via winget then?

  • Try updating to 1.5.101
    – Ramhound
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 6:25
  • I tried using the new switch --include-pinned, but the result was the same as before. Additionally, I'm unsure about the difference between MariaDB and MSYS2 packages, as both are prevented from upgrading - which is actually a good thing. However, there appear to be two different mechanisms for ensuring their non-upgradability.
    – pogurek
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 8:37


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