I want to install OpenSSL using winget and am following https://winget.run/pkg/ShiningLight/OpenSSL (installing Git is not an option, I have gone through https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50625283/how-to-install-openssl-in-windows-10).

When I run,

winget search openssl

I get,

enter image description here

But when I try to install it using

winget install -e --id ShiningLight.OpenSSL --silent

enter image description here

Also, when I go to https://slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-3_2_1.msi, its indeed a 404.

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  • The correct link to the file is slproweb.com/download/Win64OpenSSL-3_3_1.msi contact the maintainer WinGet repository and have them fix it. You can use a manual downloaded installer and still use WinGet. The instructions are accurate but the repository is misconfigured. We can’t help fix that. I suggest just using a WinGet alternative or install it with the .msi manually
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 18:52
  • You can use winget.pro to setup a private WinGet repository for the time being.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 26 at 19:25

1 Answer 1


WinGet version of the software is simply outdated. The version on the website got updated to 3.2.2, with old installer deleted.

Current version

You can find all the package sources here. The one you're trying to update is here. As is it can be seen, manual pull requests are needed for the version to be bumped. And there isn't any for 3.2.2 yet.

So if you want to install that specific minor version specifically with WinGet, you either wait or submit a pull request with new version yourself. Othwerise just install it manually.

  • 1
    I looked at this problem probably for 3 hours. I didn’t see once notice the version being offered wasn’t actually available on the website I thought the path to the file was missing a / but a fifth look at the path on the website proved that to be incorrect. Nice Catch!
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jun 28 at 4:20

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