There is a CentOS 7 VPS. I just tried to follow guide to install php 7.4, and ran

sudo yum update

It did stuff, outputted a list of "install" lines, and then a list of "clean" lines, as I remember, like

clean something (82/82)

Comes to 82, and seems to hang, it did not exit, although input was working. I tried to enter exit, sudo exit, sudo reboot, but it just entered and no result.

Earlier I set up Apache, ssl, all worked. I rebooted VPS, and now my site does not work as from domain as from IP. It says connection refused.

I also now can't connect via ssh (timeout error), but can connect via VNC.

Ssh stopped work before reboot - when in current powershell window with ssh session hanged (i.e. hanged yum update command, as I described above), I closed powershell, and opened new one, but already could not connect.

Can my server be restored?


Try to follow this one answer. Is this output ok?

output of sudo firewall-cmd --list-all ,

sudo systemctl status sshd

Says that it is active

Update 2

Seems like I removed ssh service in firewall. Now I reinstalled firewall, added ssh, and I can connect via ssh.

But I still get connection refused, trying to open site in the browser.

1 Answer 1


So basically, there was two issues:

  1. SSH - Following Digitalocean guide on firewall setup, I just copied all commands, without reading the descriptions and run command that blocks ssh with firewall. I reinstalled firewall, setup it again, without calling that command and now can connect via ssh.
  2. HTTP - seems like I just skipped command to run httpd on boot: sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

Now all works. Why it broke on yum update I do not know for sure.

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