I am running CentOS 6.6 trying to update to 6.8 using an ISO file I downloaded from a mirror for an offline virtual machine.

I have mounted the ISO file and place it in the /media/CentOS/

I then run the command yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=c6-media update

I get as far as the OS finding the updates and ask to confirm, but when the patches start to download all of them return with an [Errno 256] no more mirrors to try. However, I can download the patches individually with no problems. I just have about 500 patches to install and no desire to do it manually.

I have tried yum clean headers && yum clean metadata && yum makecache as well as yum clean all

I have also played with marking the media .repo file as enable and disabling all others with no effect. I have also check that the TRANS.TBL file matches with the repodata directory. I know there are similar posts but I could seem to find on that mentions using an offline ISO file. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


If anyone runs into the same issues I did, it turns out I had a 64bit ISO and while I was running a 64bit version there were also 32bit packages that needed to be updated at the same time as the 64bit ones. I ended up downloading the 32bit ISO and creating a repo of both 64bit and 32bit and updating them together

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