I'm unable to setup the Process Explorer to run at startup via Task Scheduler. Regardless if I create the task via the Process Explorer menu 'Run at startup' or manually I am unable to make it work.

I've installed Systeinternals via winget:

> winget list sysinternals
Name               Id           Version     Source
Sysinternals Suite 9P7KNL5RWT25 2022.10.1.0 msstore

Running the task does nothing and there are no errors in the task history log. It is as if nothing happens. 'Run with highest privileges' also does nothing What I find very odd about the installation is that procexp.exe is a 0kb file in the Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps folder. It has no icon but I can run it normally by double-clicking on it. However if I use Task Scheduler and I try to selected it (via Browser on Actions) I get the following error:

The file cannot be accessed by the system.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Microsoft is trying to abolish running interactive programs via the Task Scheduler. Why are you trying to do it this way, when you could just set it to run as a user Startup process? Or are you trying to do boot time monitoring?
    – harrymc
    Commented Oct 24, 2022 at 9:28
  • Process Explorer has a menu option 'Run at Logon'. Setting this creates the Task scheduler task (which does not work). My attempt to create a similar task was just a way to try to figure out why the task is not running. The reason I want it running on logon is just because of system tray icons for CPU/HDD monitoring. Regarding your comment that this might be intentional: any source where this statement was made? Commented Oct 24, 2022 at 11:00
  • If you install Process Explorer from the System Internals (Microsoft) website, update your PATH variables, are you able to get the scheduled task to work?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Oct 24, 2022 at 14:49


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