I have duplicate redis.conf & /etc/systemd/system/redis.service files on my test and prod servers via scp.

Where prod is able to start and run redis with a unix socket. My test server refuses to start redis, with the following error output:

● redis-server.service - Advanced key-value store
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-07-31 01:42:29 HKT; 27s ago
       Docs: http://redis.io/documentation,

redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Stopped Advanced key-value store.
redis-server.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Failed to start Advanced key-value store.

I have read many threads related to restart counter is at 5, but none of them have been specific to redis.service.

/etc/systemd/system/redis.service contains:

Description=Advanced key-value store
Documentation=http://redis.io/documentation, man:redis-server(1)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server --loglevel verbose /etc/redis/redis.conf


RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_UNIX

# redis-server can write to its own config file when in cluster mode so we
# permit writing there by default. If you are not using this feature, it is
# recommended that you replace the following lines with "ProtectSystem=full".


But when I run systemctl restart redis along with tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log

Nothing is written to the log.... nothing.

This log command journalctl -f -u redis-server gave output journalctl -f -u redis-server ... seems redis doesn't like my custom group redis-socket (members redis and a virtuamin server owner called server-owner, necessary to give server owner access to unix socket, works on Prod...previously worked on Test. Better way to config/define the group? EDIT Problem solved. The core problem was that root had somehow become the owner of /etc/redis correcting ownership on that directory to redis:redis got things working again with my custom group as configured below.

-- Logs begin at Sun 2022-07-31 07:37:12 HKT. --
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:55:09 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:55:13 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jul 31 08:55:13 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:55:13 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8330]: redis-server.service: Failed to determine group credentials: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8330]: redis-server.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8333]: redis-server.service: Failed to determine group credentials: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8333]: redis-server.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8336]: redis-server.service: Failed to determine group credentials: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8336]: redis-server.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 3.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8339]: redis-server.service: Failed to determine group credentials: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[8339]: redis-server.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:36 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 4.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: Starting Advanced key-value store...
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[8342]: redis-server.service: Failed to determine group credentials: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[8342]: redis-server.service: Failed at step GROUP spawning /usr/bin/redis-server: No such process
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=216/GROUP
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: Stopped Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:37 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.
Jul 31 08:56:43 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Jul 31 08:56:43 test.example.test systemd[1]: redis-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jul 31 08:56:43 test.example.test systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store.

lil' help?

  • Could you start redis-server with verbose output and add the logs? Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 18:04
  • @mashuptwice thx Its 2AM here.. might you have a command for that? I am searching now
    – mjones
    Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 18:06
  • mankier.com/1/redis-server edit the systemd service file with the desired loglevel or start it from an interactive shell Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 18:09
  • thanks for that, but no luck.. I just edited the post... so that you can see my systemd config
    – mjones
    Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 18:18
  • The service file is unlikely to help without knowing the cause of the failure. Please add the verbose logs. To get verbose output , edit the service file from ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf to ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server --loglevel verbose /etc/redis/redis.conf. If it is too late to wrap your head around enabling logging, go to sleep and try again tomorrow. Commented Jul 30, 2022 at 19:14

1 Answer 1


Ok problem solved.. thanks to the help of @mashuptwice and a good night cleep...

Cause of problem:
Me. I work in multiple terminals and accidentally opened /etc/redis.conf in nano in 2 different terminal windows. While I caught part of my error and deleted .redis.conf.swp file that was created, I simply didn't notice, that the original /etc/redis.conf had changed its permissions to be root/root instead of redis/redis.

The tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log threw no useful error mesages at all to indicate the problem above.

The journalctl -f -u redis-server provided by @mashuptwice enabled to the permissions errors beginning with my redis-server.service config and eventually leading me to to find the permissions error on /etc/redis.conf.

In a nutshell, the native redis log, does not seem to very useful when troubleshooting, use journalctl -f -u redis-server if have issues with redis.

  • so what was your solution?
    – nickanor
    Commented May 10, 2023 at 9:48
  • Might slap in there what permissions should look like too for something for folks to check per your solutions and finding applicable detail in the logs. Perhaps just checking security requirements on application config files set as user x with x permission and some output examples with ls commands would be a great addition/extension to this answer. Commented Jul 5, 2023 at 18:34

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