i made my service



Description=Start guake 

ExecStart=/bin/bash guake


then i did

systemctl start guake.service 
systemctl status guake.service

but i get

● guake.service - Start guake Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/guake.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Thu 2015-07-16 21:14:36 SAST; 4s ago Process: 10785 ExecStart=/bin/bash guake (code=dumped, signal=SEGV) Main PID: 10785 (code=dumped, signal=SEGV)

Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/init.py:57: GtkWarning: could...isplay Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning) Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keybinder/init.py:26: GtkWarning: IA__gdk...failed Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: from _keybinder import * Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/keybinder/init.py:26: GtkWarning: IA__gdk...failed Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc bash[10785]: from _keybinder import * Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc systemd[1]: guake.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc systemd[1]: guake.service: Unit entered failed state. Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc systemd[1]: guake.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'. Jul 16 21:14:36 tawanda-pc systemd-coredump[10790]: Process 10785 (python2) of user 0 dumped core. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

I also tried setting WantedBy=multi-user.target but it has the same error

i am runnig arch linux, how do i get this to startup, thanks all

1 Answer 1


First, you're probably looking at running Guake as an application inside your user session and not as a root application. Thus you should look at systemd --user services (ArchWiki: systemd/User).

Then, Guake is an X11 appliation and thus requires a running X11 session. systemd does not (yet) handle X11 sessions, thus the best option is to look at the features offered by you desktop environment to auto launch programs upon session startup. As far as I know this can easily be done with KDE and GNOME.

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