I pulled out a HDD from the My Book Live (Western Digital) NAS because it doesn't connect anymore.

Product info: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=280

I am trying to recover data from the drive. Windows can't read the filesystem but I could see 4 partitions, so I booted into Ubuntu live.

The drive shows up on Linux but prompts this error and is not accessible:

Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdi4, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so

I am a Linux noob so I need some help here.

With further research on Google, I am running TestDisk to analyse the drive. I don't know what partition type it is so I picked EFI GPT: Code :

[Intel  ] Intel/PC partition
>[EFI GPT] EFI GPT partition map (Mac i386, some x86_64...)
[Humax  ] Humax partition table
[Mac    ] Apple partition map
[None  ] Non partitioned media
[Sun    ] Sun Solaris partition
[XBox  ] XBox partition

Right now I am running "Analyse cylinder" on it using TestDisk and it's working through the 2TB drive slowly.

How should I go about accessing the data on the disk?


1 Answer 1


Got to access the data by mounting on to windows using Ext2FSD 0.48 patched with Ext2fsd-0.48-bb8

Step by Step from Windows 7 (Source):

  1. Download Ext2Fsd 0.48 (ext2Fsd.com).
  2. Before you installed it, you need to change the compatibility. Right click and choose Properties and set compatibility mode to Vista Service Pack 2 and run as administrator. Now you can install the Ext2Fsd-driver.
  3. Ext2Fsd only supports ext2 and ext3 formatted volumes. To make Ext2Fsd can read ext4-volumes, we should patch it. Download the patch from http://www.acc.umu.se/~bosse/ (Ext2fsd-0.48-bb8)
  4. Unzip the downloaded file. Open the folder fre and choose your architecture. (i386, ia64 or amd64)
  5. Copy ext2fsd.sys to Windows\System32\drivers. (Keep the original file as back-up)
  6. Restart your PC
  7. Now you can mount your ext4-drive, by opening Ext2Mgr and select your ext4-volume, which you want to mount. Choose a mount point!
  • Could you perhaps edit your post to include the step by step details? At Super User, we generally prefer you include as much information as possible and not just post links. Commented Dec 1, 2011 at 21:11
  • @SimonSheehan Done :)
    – JC Lee
    Commented Dec 2, 2011 at 1:18

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