Procmon is quite hard\long to type its Filters over and over again
- especially for many different, repeatable tasks.

That made me wonder if anyone knows where does it store it's current Filter state.
Whereas it is a file, or a registry key, or else.

I tried to use Procmon itself to find any (via unchecking default boxes), but have been lost in results.

1 Answer 1


Process Monitor has a mechanism for saving multiple filter settings:

  • Arrange your filter as you like
  • Select menu Filter > Save Filter...
  • Give your filter a name
  • To establish again a saved files use menu Filter > Load Filter... and select your filter
  • To effect the selected filter select Filter > Reset Filter
  • You may also use Filter > Organize Filters... to Export a filter as a .PMF file, which can later be imported on another computer from this same dialog.
  • Strangely, this doesn't work for me; Procmon window only blinks, with no effect, no matter what Filter have been Saved. Commented Apr 15, 2022 at 17:37
  • Haven't tried yet, but this solution seems totally legit: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/438799/… Commented Apr 15, 2022 at 17:49
  • It worked for me - I described what I did in my answer, using version 3.86.
    – harrymc
    Commented Apr 15, 2022 at 18:58

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