Sysinternals Process Monitor has a button to "view the source" on a Event Properties > Stack element:

enter image description here

It is disabled in my trace. What do I need to enable it?


1 Answer 1


What do I need to enable it?

You need the source code for the process you are monitoring.

Here is an explanation from the authors of Process Monitor:


The Stack page shows the thread stack of the thread when the event was recorded. The stack can be useful for determining the reason an event took place and the component responsible for the event.


If you specify a path to source files in the Symbol Configuration dialog, the Stack dialog's Source button will enable for any frame for which line number symbols information is available and the source file is present in the paths you include. Clicking on the Source button opens a text viewer that highlights the source code line referenced.

Source Process Monitor Help - documentation.pdf (PDF)


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