Whenever I type the quotation marks " VSCode automatically inserts two of them. E.g. "<CURSOR_HERE>". Which I think is fine.

But whenever I delete one of the quotation marks, it deletes both. This is not fine.

Does VSCode support it that removing characters with backspace (or delete) does not trigger "auto complete".

1 Answer 1


Try the following:

  • Tools
  • Options
  • Text editor
  • C# or whichever language you are using
  • General
  • Uncheck 'Automatic brace completion'
  • Where is "Tools"? I have a cog in the left corner and from there I can go to "Settings"? Also wouldn't this disable the automatic completion completely, and not only for backspacing?
    – degebine
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 10:07

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