I'm trying to disable this feature in VSCode. I often use the code fold button next to the line number, but the Git changes peek button always gets in the way.

The button:

[the button]

The only way I found to disable it is to turn off Git completely.

Git Enabled setting:

Git Enabled setting

Is it possible to disable this peek button from showing at all?

  • You should report this as a bug in the VSCode Github. If two elements of the UI are conflicting, they'll want to know that so they can fix it. Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 21:30

1 Answer 1


Search the settings for "Diff Decorations Gutter Action" and set to none.

Or add this to your settings.json file

"scm.diffDecorationsGutterAction": "none"

They seem to have fixed the visual indicator since this question was asked, but the actual hit box seems to still extend out over the code folding arrows.

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