I am trying to enable Remote Desktop in my old Windows 8 laptop.

I did not find a way to do it via GUI, as I do not have the settings shown everywhere (1, 2, etc.) This is what I have

enter image description here enter image description here

The second image is what I get hitting Advanced.

So I looked for a Command Line method (3, 4, etc.) What I did:

  1. In the registry editor, set HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\fDenyTSConnections to 0 (it existed, and it was set to 1).

  2. Try at an elevated prompt netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=yes. But the command is not available:

     C:\windows\system32>netsh advfirewall set ?
     The following commands are available:
     Commands in this context:
     set allprofiles - Sets properties in all profiles.
     set currentprofile - Sets properties in the active profile.
     set domainprofile - Sets properties in the domain profile.
     set global     - Sets the global properties.
     set privateprofile - Sets properties in the private profile.
     set publicprofile - Sets properties in the public profile.

    As per (5), I also tried an older form

     C:\windows\system32>netsh firewall set service RemoteDesktop enable
     IMPORTANT: "netsh firewall" is deprecated; use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
     For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709 at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=121488 .
     C:\windows\system32>netsh advfirewall firewall set service RemoteDesktop enable
     The following command was not found: advfirewall firewall set service RemoteDesktop enable.

I would like to know why I don't have set rule (likely this is an old version of the netsh helper), and mostly how to finally allow for remote desktop connections.



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