I decided to switch from GNOME to KDE Plasma on Arch Linux, so I used sudo pacman -Rdd gnome. However, Web Browser remains, though with much less functionality (no tabs, etc.) Perhaps it was retained to keep KDE dependencies from breaking? I am very new to this, so I'm not sure what is going on. Any advice for how to clean this up?

Pared Down Web Browser How it appears in start menu (can't access any other way)

2 Answers 2


Try sudo pacman -Rs epiphany. epiphany is the package name of GNOME Web Browser.

Maybe it is a broken desktop file. Find and sudo rm from /usr/share/applications/.

Find and remove the package by tracking it from launcher:

  1. Right click the launcher icon of the app to edit/view the entry.
  2. Copy the executable path.
  3. Use pacman -Qo <copied path> to see who owns the executable.
  4. Remove the owner package.
  • I'm afraid pacman did not find epiphany. I looked in /usr/share/applications/, and I did not find epiphany or anything related to gnome. However, I did find plasma-windowed.desktop, and I think this is related. The icon on the taskbar says "plasmawindowed" when I hover over it. Does that indicate where this might be hiding?
    – Lambert_W
    Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 12:38

I had this happen when I used apt, and the issue is that KDE still thinks the app exists. If it's mainly on your KDE menu, you can remove it from the menu by right-clicking on the Menu button and selecting Edit Applications. Then find the GNOME Browser icon in the tree on the left. Then press Delete on your keyboard to remove the icon, then press Ctrl+S to save. This should remove the icon from the menu. Otherwise, I might try using pacman -Qdt to auto remove any dependincies that pacman may have not removed.

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