How to get the only the total files size from folders dir in windows commandline [self answered]

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    Ty, I have a self answer, but couldn't use the check box and do it concurrently because I have no reputation
    – Robin
    Commented Sep 3, 2021 at 9:04
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    – Tetsujin
    Commented Sep 3, 2021 at 9:09

2 Answers 2


I tested this on Powershell:

gci Downloads | measure Length -s

To see the result in MB:

(gci Downloads | measure Length -s).Sum /1MB

More details on the available options, how to include the subdirectories etc. available here:


  • I've been too long out of the community... thanks @Mokubai for reminding me of the bare basics :-) Commented Sep 3, 2021 at 9:15

I have found elsewhere that

dir /a/s 

lists all files and folders

But to tidy this up we can use findstr, the tail of the dir command is like

Total files listed:
    nn File(s) n,nnn,nnn  bytes
    mm Dir(s)  p,pppp,ppp  bytes free


dir /a/s | findstr "Dir(s)"

shows the last line, which is the free bytes on the disk

Another search example

dir /a/s | findstr "Dir.File(s)"

findstr looks for each string separated by a space

So it also shows the file space used in each sub folder

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