I need help to chkdsk a specific Directory : F:\GOG\*.* I am too stupid to understand the chkdsk sytax for file: CHKDSK [Volume[[Pfad]Dateiname]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:Größe]][/B] [/scan] [/spotfix]

=> CHKDSK [Volume[[direcory/path]Filename]]]

chkdsk F:\GOG\ or F:\GOG\* or F:\GOG\.

does not work. Does anybody know the exact syntax?

If there is no way, anybody knows of a tool for that or any Linux command to run from a Linux-Boot-USB-Drive?

The scenario: running compact /exe:xpress16k /c /s /a /f /i on drive F: makes a Bluescreen under a directory in F:\GOG!

So I can not run compress and can pinpoint that Dir or File to delete or repair.

Going farther: Is it maybe an HD-Sector error for a specific file to run one of these tools: Is there an alternative to 'chkdsk'?

For the records: 8 TB of Files (6TB used) chkdsk /R or /B is not an option.

So I need 2021 answers and not 1999 ;)

  • 2
    See the online help. Path and filename are only valid for FAT/FAT32 volumes.
    – Robert
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 15:39
  • first check your SMART stats to make sure the disk is healthy. then run chkdsk on the entire volume. it is not meant to be run on a file or folder. even on FAT32 volumes, all it will do is tell you if the file is fragmented. start with /f and then use /r if you still have issues. /r will take a long time to run. Never abort chkdsk. Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 17:40
  • Drive is fully ok. . Chkdsk /r is not an options as written. Taking off a whole 6TB game drive for 1x file or folder is not an option it is "we are still 1999 and have no solutions after 20 years of computing, High-performance, Virtualization and Quantum-Computers". More professional and detailed answers please. I am semi-pro and semi-pro answers are not a help.
    – Web
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 18:01
  • The folder is named GOG, does this mean it contains games from GOG.com inside? Are there any games installed in that folder which are not from GOG? If yes may be you are having a collision with an game anti-pirate or anti-cheating system which has installed as driver and crashes if you try to compress it.
    – Robert
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 19:09
  • Very Interesting suggestion. No there should be no others, BUT I made a folder name GOG-Icons and put all Desktop-Icons of GoG in it [and yes it is the GoGames :)]. I am defraging the HD so far. After that I will move that folder and try again and report back. :)
    – Web
    Commented Jun 28, 2021 at 21:43


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