I would like to know what IP address my browser is currently using to access the host of a web site.

In most cases I could potentially use a tool like ping to show what my OS thinks the IP is, but it's possible in at least one case that Firefox may disagree with what the Operating System uses.

Top search results seem to find Mozilla support threads that basically recommend add-ons, but I don't want to trust an add-on, and I don't know whether they will necessarily even report the same IP that Firefox uses internally.

1 Answer 1


You can do this via the developer console, available from F12. From there, navigate to the Network tab and hover the Domain column. You'll see the IP address and port in a tooltip.

enter image description here

You can also add the Remote IP column to the table. Right-click the heading row and choose 'Remote IP' from the list. The column will then appear in the table

enter image description here


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