enter image description here

I have a couple of these "Windows command Processor" (cmd) running a dir command and taking 10-15% CPU constantly, heating everything up and well hogging CPU.

I also see findstr running around the same time, not sure if it's related.

Command running looks like ls -lR equivalent. No idea what is running that.

I opened "Indexing Options", it says "index complete". So not sure if it's indexing.

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


Try killing the process and see if it pops up again. If it does not, you may have to try clean booting to see if the problem is present.

EDIT: the two processes are almost certainly related. They seem to be related to indexing. Please open the resource monitor (Win+R and type resmon) and post screenshot of the process.


Try using the Windows Process Explorer. It should show you which program or service started these processes. Process Explorer is a freeware task manager and system monitor for Microsoft Windows.

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