The data network shown below is experiencing a communications failure between the Network A and Network B.

Data Network

Also, here you can see the routing tables of all the routers: Routing Tables

It is confirmed that all the configuration of the interfaces in the Routers and VPCs is correct and all the WAN links are operational. I have used the PING command from PC-A to PC-D, checking that it is NOT being obtaining a response from the ICMP Echo Request messages that PC-A sends to PC-D and that PC-D must respond with an ICMP Echo Reply message.

So, I need to Identify the name of the router where it is necessary to take action to solve this routing failure.

And also indicate which is the solution and write which is the line or lines of complete command that must be added in that Router in order to solve the routing problem.

Thanks a lot guys!

  • This looks suspiciously like homework/online assignment to me. "indicate which is the solution and write which is the line or lines of complete command that must be added in that Router in order to solve the routing problem." ~ lol this literally looks like you copy and pasted it out of a exam... Commented Apr 4, 2021 at 23:30
  • Router-C has no route for RED-D. Cisco exam? Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 0:14
  • It is a homework haha. thanks @BenjaminHastings I'm I little bit blind.
    – Dacaramo
    Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 5:30


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