Assuming we have the following network topology and CentOS 6.5 on each router, how can i set ALL traffic go from ANY host in ANY network to ANY host in ANY network?

Network layout

I have already enabled

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

on all routers, and now i'm stuck with routing tables. I'm already trying to do this for several days with no result.

1 Answer 1


Server 1 needs a default route to Server 2.

Server 2 needs static routes to Server 1 for the two networks hanging off of Server 1, and a default route to Server 3.

Server 3 needs static routes to Server 2 for the three networks hanging off of Server 2 and Server 1, and a default route to The Internet.

  • Hi, thanks for your answer! Can i also use static routes instead of default gateway? And do i need to set something up in iptables? I already added following rule in *filter chain: -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT
    – John Doe
    Commented May 29, 2014 at 14:18
  • A default route is usually a static route to a gateway. Server 2 is the default gateway for server 1. Server 3 is the default gateway for server 2. I don't know what the default gateway is for server 3, but it's the other side of the interface that connects to the Internet. If you were to put a default route on server 3 back to server 2 you'd have a routing loop. If you don't have an adress for the Internet's default gateway, don't put a default route on server 3. Commented May 29, 2014 at 18:53

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