Ok, I know how to use git for the most part, but I've just recently been playing with some github stuff and noticed the public/private url. May I ask what that is about?

I know may not be advanced enough for super user, but I wasn't sure where else to ask this :) thanks.

1 Answer 1


Public URLs allow anyone to clone your repo, but they're read-only so you can't push changes back over a public URL. Private URLs are only accessible by collaborators with access to the repo, but they're read/write so you can push changes back into the repo.

  • but public allows them to take and play with it, just without push-back ability?
    – Jon Phenow
    Commented Jul 9, 2010 at 14:02
  • @jphenow: correct
    – msw
    Commented Jul 9, 2010 at 15:10

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