I want to run sublime and latex from USB Drive. This is the tutorial.

It does not work correctly because the path are not added succesfully.

This is my batch file to add the path.

del restorePath.txt
echo %path% >> restorePath.txt
setx path "%path%"
setx path "%~dp0SumatraPDF"
setx path "%~dp0Sublime_Text_Build_3211_x64"
setx path "%~dp0MikTex\MikTex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin\x64"
setx path "%~dp0MikTex\MikTex\texmfs"
setx path "%~dp0ImageMagick-7.0.10-23-portable-Q16-HDRI-x64"
setx sublime "%~dp0Sublime_Text_Build_3211_x64"


Sublime can check all the software required. It is shown that it cannot find the path for Latex and SumatraPDF. But somehow it can add path for ImageMagick.

Am I missing something in my batch file?


1 Answer 1



This works:

del restorePath.txt
echo %path% >> restorePath.txt
setx path "%path%;%~dp0SumatraPDF;%~dp0Sublime_Text_Build_3211_x64;%~dp0MikTex\MikTex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin\x64;%~dp0MikTex\MikTex\texmfs;%~dp0ImageMagick-7.0.10-23-portable-Q16-HDRI-x64"
setx sublime "%~dp0Sublime_Text_Build_3211_x64"


I used that batch file before but somehow it did not work. That is why I changed it and made it line by line.

There are still some parts missing, but the path works.

enter image description here

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