I installed K-Lite Codec Pack some month ago in my Windows 7 Ultimate machine. As far as I know, every thing about Media Player Classic & KMPlayer is ok.

I am trying to to convert a mkv file to mp4. The problem is output file has no AUDIO in either AVS Video Converter & FreeMakeVideo Converter. The result for both of them are the same.

What is the problem & how can I fix it?

I tried to change all options for output audio format.
No success at all.


Here is MediaInfo result of that mkv video :
MediaInfo result For ffmpeg.exe i searched my pc.
It found it on the path below :
C:\Program Files\KMPlayer
And also ffmpeg.dll on the path belows :
C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Filters\ffdshow
C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Filters\ffdshow64

I copied ffmpeg.exe from KMPlayer to a folder and tried those commands like below :
ffmpeg.exe Result ffmpeg.exe Result_2 Now output.mp4 is not playable on KMPlayer.
Any idea?

All of my videos have downloaded with IDM from YouTube web site.
Online Converters can convert those mkv videos.
But those two softwares can't.

  • 1
    As a sanity check, have you tried using other video conversion software like Handbrake? No need to convert the whole file, just convert a small part of the video and see if the audio is missing in the resulting file too.
    – mashwell
    Commented Dec 1, 2020 at 11:22

1 Answer 1


Assuming you have no audio problems, be assured you have audio in this file, and also what type of audio you have, reading sources with ffmpeg -i file.mkv or with MediaInfosoftware.


Try with ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -i filename.mkv -c:v copy -c:a aac output.mp4

To see the results and I'm assuming here you're not trying to play it on internet.

Also try with other players if it's Linux and Media Player Classic if it's Windows.

There's a reason why I've mentioned ffmpeg.

UPDATE: Try ˋffmpegˋ from the official website and that haven't been compiled from any other sources yet.

As I've seen you're using a compiled version from KMPlayer, and you're not supossed to use that.

Some notices:

  • you cannot use .h264/video and opus/audio together in a .mp4 container since it isn't compatible, it needs to be inside .mkv container. The reason why I've mentioned to convert it to aac/audio to solve this issue.

  • As well avoid the mistake, if any, to download specific audio/video size format like 720p to then interrupt and continue it from another size video/audio format like 1080p to the same container as it will break the file anyways

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