I am trying to expose my elasticsearch service to the internet, but not having any luck. I updated the network.host: property to and discovery.seed_hosts property to [] in the elasticsearch.yml. I've also setup a Window firewall rule to allow incoming connections. I am able to reach the elasticsearch service on localhost and within my network(192.168.1.x), but not from the internet.

My network setup is like this

Motorola Modem/Router( ---Ethernet--> Asus Router( ---Wireless---> Asus Router( ---Ethernet---> Elasticsearch service(

I have setup a Virtual Server rule on the Motorola Modem/Router( to route traffic to the Elasticsearch service( with LAN Loopback enabled. I also have the Elasticsearch service( setup as the DMZ Host IP Address.

I've also setup an Inbound Firewall Rule in the Asus Router( This only allows IPv6 addresses so I've added the IPv6 of the Elasticsearch service( here and put in the elasticsearch port.


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