My laptop's (Lenovo Legion Y520) fan starts running fast after 5-10 mins of inactivity out of nowhere. When I open up Task Manager, the CPU utilization seems around 25-30% and then drops to ~6% in 2-3 seconds, which is followed by the fan running slower in another 2-3 seconds. It seems like my computer is being used for a program while I am away from keyboard and I cannot detect it. Are there any solutions for that? I tried everything I can find in the internet. Thanks.

2 Answers 2


When I open up Task Manager, the CPU utilization seems around 25-30% and then drops to ~6% in 2-3 seconds

That is normal for Windows 10 and, by itself, does not present much of a CPU load.

My fan comes on for a steady 35% plus CPU load and that, too, is normal.

Open Task Manager, let it settle for 10 seconds and then see what processes are taking a lot of CPU.

For normal browsing conditions, CPU should run <5% more than 90% of the time.

I think you will find something is running that you did not anticipate or do not know about (virus) .


I had exactly same problem few years ago. Unfortunately, I cannot accurately remember what exactly solved it. I will list a few things I remember , try them.

  1. Disable programs in TaskManager/ Startup.
  2. Changing hardware acceleration for Chrome.
  3. Decreased paging file size.
  4. Keeping Task Manager open all the time so that I can locate problematic processes.
  5. Suppressed some windows process that indexes files for better searchability. (this might be different now that Cortana is there)
  6. There are also programs to monitor CPU temperature.

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