Was going to dualboot my Lenovo P50s with Ubuntu alongside already installed Windows 10 today. I made a bootable USB drive and entered the Advanced Boot menu (shift-click on reboot), earlier I have been familiar with that this will show the drives which you can select of. Today at the unit i was working on I was not presented with the drives, only with the standard choices of the Advanced Boot Menu, anyone familiar what the reason might be?

Of course I can change the actual bootorder and go through that, but Im curioius what might be the reason I don't see the drive throughe the Advanced Boot Menu.

Br. akvisvik

1 Answer 1


You can install Windows using UEFI or using the Legacy\MBR\CSM BIOS. If the BIOS is set to CSM disabled, then the system will not see non-UEFI files - so your USB drive must be formatted as FAT32 and must contain the correct boot files which includes a \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI file which is the default boot file for a USB drive. If your Windows 10 is UEFI + GPT partitions, then you will have to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode also.

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