So I was experimenting with some Android X86 build on my NuVision Windows tablet and while doing so I must have allowed Grub to take over the boot process.

I am trying to reinstall Windows on the tablet but I can't get it to boot from the USB.

I've entered the grub command line and I figured out that the USB drive is on (hd0,msdos1) and I've checked the file structure of the newly baked Windows 10 USB boot drive on another computer. So I expected to be able to do something like :

 set root=(hd0,msdos1)
 chainloader /bootmgr.efi

and I should be off set. However, that didn't go as planned.

I've tried with all the following:


And I noticed that for the first one it says Invalid EFI file. However, for the other, it spits out some EFI information/hash that leads me to believe i did something right.

When I type boot though, all I get is Unknown Error so I guess I'm missing something but can't figure it out yet.

Anyone has any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


1 Answer 1


I managed to skip Grub using eFIT and boot the device's EFI console and from there tried to load up the EFI file manually. And I realized my mistake when I saw the more descriptive error message that this EFI console output.

It turns out I was trying to load a Windows 10 - 64 bit edition on a IA32 device. Switching to the appropriate build fixed everything and the device immediately recognized Windows on the USB drive this time, without the need to manually boot from CLI.

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