root@GentooLinux_18:41:46_Wed Apr 03:/var/account#du -shc *

2.3G pacct

2.3G total


And I am getting this :

couldn't open file '@ACCT_FILE_LOC@'

1 Answer 1


Well, got it! Here it is:

dump-acct pacct 
  • Could you make this more of a teachable moment by expanding the answer to explain what this does and why it solves the problem? Thanks. from review
    – fixer1234
    Commented Apr 3, 2019 at 14:00
  • Sure. My apology for being too short. I was getting the error mentioned in the post, that it gobbles up disk space like 2.3 GB and I didn't install the binary dump-acct to see the pacct file, which is a binary file. This file contains all the command run by the process, kinda command logging facility. With the help of dump-acct binary, you can clearly see the format, when the command run. All I had to do, get into the dir and fire that command against that file to see the output informative manner. This stuff can be used in security purpose too. Lastly, I can easily nullify it by #>pacct Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 16:07

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