Server: Windows 10 Pro (x64) PC running UltraVNC Server and Kaspersky Internet Security
Clients: macOS 10.13.6 connecting via (built-in) Screen Sharing; W10 Pro (x64) connecting via UltraVNC Viewer

I am able to successfully connect to my server PC in macOS (VNC protocol) and do the standard screen sharing/control thing. I have never had any issues here.

However, when I try to connect to the server PC from another W10 PC, using UltraVNC Viewer, I can successfully connect and view the server PC, but I cannot control it. I have tried explicitly white-listing uvnc apps in KIS, turning off KIS on the server, and even installed RealVNC viewer, but I get the same results - not able to control the server PC. All computers are on my home LAN, 192.168.0.x address. What am I missing here?

1 Answer 1


Well, finally figured it out - total n00b mistake - I had the regular VNC password saved in my macOS keychain, but was typing in the View-Only password to the other VNC instances, when I thought it was the regular password. Now that I have all the passwords sorted out, all is working again.

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