I am trying to connect to my MacOS Mojave via VNC. I have enabled "Remote Management" in "System Preferences" > "Sharing" and added me and/or all other users to the users that are allowed to have access. Furthermore, in a second attempt I have enabled "VNC users may control screen with password" in "Computer Settings". The firewall is disabled.

Nothing I have tried so far worked. When I try to connect to the Mac, both via IP and name, TightVNC and VNC-Viwer (Windows 10) and Remmina (Ubuntu, WSL on Windows 10) all fail to connect, without any proper error message, something along the lines of "Cannot connect" or "Host did not respond properly".

I had another Mac with an older OS (cannot remember which one). I typed "open vnc://hostname" and it worked on first attempt. However, I want to be able to log into my Mac using my Windows 10 Laptop. I can connect to the local network via VPN. I can ssh into the mac without problems (and even get an X11 connection).

What are other steps I can take to debug this problem? Did I miss any steps in trying to set up this connection?

2 Answers 2


It seems like you have tried using many different Windows clients, but did you ever think that the problem might be the server? Apple has a tendency to make their own [everything], which can be either good or bad. I am not an Apple user, but my wild guess is that they made their own protocols for remote management (similar but different from VNC).

My experience with Mac OS X provided VNC, is that generally it works very well when talking Mac OS X VNC server to Mac OS X VNC Client.

But when either Mac OS X client or server talks with a 3rd party VNC server or client, things are not always happy.


Remote Management is really intended for the "Apple Remote Desktop" (ARD) package. ARD is intented to manage a room full of Macs, such as a classroom environment. It is not intended for VNC clients.

~ BobHarris

For such a task, I will suggest that you use a reputable, cross-platfrom VPN Server. I would recommend RealVNC. You can get the server here and the client ("viewer") here. For personal use, it is free. These links are non-affiliate links.

If you'd really like to continue using the built-in feature, try BobHarris's advice.


I just installed TightVNC on Windows 10. Accessing it from Catalina via open vnc://<remote ip> works. You have to configure a password on the Windows side. Won't work without.

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