Possible Duplicate:
When reinstalling Windows 7, does the language, version, architecture (64-bit or 32-bit) or source (OEM, retail, or MSDN) matter?

is it possible to update my system from windows 7 x86 to x64 without losing data ? cpu architecture is 32bit but I have 4g ram, so to unseal the ram, I have to go with x64.

  • 1
    Will Win 7 x64 run on a 32-bit processor?
    – FrustratedWithFormsDesigner
    Commented May 12, 2010 at 21:11
  • @frustrated - you would be hard pressed to find a 32 bit processor in a wintel machine today. Commented May 12, 2010 at 21:14
  • 2
    No, it won't. You need a 64bits CPU (and probably a new mainboard supporting 64bits CPU and probably new RAM and/or HDD as well when the new mainboard doesn't support the current RAM/HDD interface).
    – user26750
    Commented May 12, 2010 at 21:15

4 Answers 4


is it possible to update my system from windows 7 x86 to x64 without losing data ?

If you mean by inplace-upgrade, no.

If you mean by backing up data (carbonite?) and reformatting the drive, then yes.

However, will your system run amd64 Windows?


If your CPU architecture is 32-bit, you cannot run 64-bit windows.

What make and model is your CPU?


If CPU architecture is not 64-bit, you cannot upgrade to 64-bit version of Windows. 64-bit Windows require 64-bit instructions that are not present on 32-bit CPU.


Regardless of what processor ar architecture you have, you can not upgrade from a 32bit Windows OS to a 64bit Windows OS. You'll need to perform a clean install as long as your hardware supports 64bit, which it almost most certainly does (as others have stated).

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