After multi-boot installing Ubuntu, my Windows 8 will not boot anymore.

I can enter the System Repair interface and open a command line. But when I execute the bcdedit command, it says :

The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified

I spent hours on the Internet searching for solutions but could not find any satisfying answer.


1 Answer 1


The easiest way is to get an Ubuntu live USB, boot from it, then install boot-repair (you can read the wiki first), and apply it's recommended repairs.

If this doesn't work, I recommend using a windows 8 cd/dvd/usb, boot from it, repair windows boot (not the entire system) - don't mind if it removes grub. Then boot from the ubuntu usb, and apply boot-repair on the drive.

Your problems are probably caused by UEFI bios in your computer, you should check on how to install ubuntu alongside windows on a uefi system.

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