As the title said, I am trying to set my mac as a ssh server. My mac's local IP is and my external IP (router IP) is 98.202.108.***. I went to the sharing and enabled the Remote Login. Also I tried to forward the local 22 port to external via my router. My router is a Motorola MG7315.

Here is a screenshot of my router’s forwarding rules:

Screenshot of my router’s forwarding rules.

However. In the internal network, I can

ssh [usrname]@


ssh [usrname]@98.202.108.xxx

But on the external network, I can ping 98.202.108.xxx but can't SSH to it. I asked Xfinity, they said my 22 port is not blocked. I closed all firewall, nothing happens. I tried the port forward tester, still I can't see the 22 port from the external IP.

I used nmap to scan my external IP (from port 1 to 100), it says All 100 scanned ports on c-98-202-108-xxx.hsd1.ut.comcast.net (98.202.108.xxx) are filtered.

Is this a problem of the router or something else I can do to get this working?

  • 1
    Purely as a suggestion, if possible, you likely should use a port other than 22 (perhaps 23 or 24). While anecdotal, I personally have run into this exact same issue with Comcast Xfinity and have seen a number of similar questions here with no good solutions. They do not not officially block port 22 but it certainly seems that there is a general problem running SSH (or anything else) on that port for many. Commented Jun 30, 2018 at 1:32


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