I use BlueJeans for videoconference on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate. When I close the BlueJeans window, I still an icon in the notification area. Clicking on the BlueJeans icon doesn't give any option to close it:

enter image description here

I tried to kill the 2 BlueJeans.Detector.exe processes that I see running in the Windows Desk Manager, but to no avail (they immediately restart):

enter image description here

How can I close BlueJeans on Microsoft Windows?

1 Answer 1


Since it looks like the first BlueJeans.Detector.exe process makes sure that the second BlueJeans.Detector.exe is running, and vice versa, you need to kill them at the same time.

You can do so with the command:

taskkill /f /im BlueJeans.Detector.exe

To run it: WIN + R , then:

enter image description here

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