I'm using Kali Linux, and in the top left corner of my screen there's an Applications menu, with items like this:

01 - Info...
02 - Vul...
03 - We...

How can I enlarge the menu, so that the entire folder names would fit?

I've found the file containing all the menu items (/etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/kali-applications.menu), but there seems to be no way to edit the width, or preferably make it auto-fit.

1 Answer 1


The question was answered on Unix Stackexchange. This was the answer:


'/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]/extension.js'

and replace:

this.categoriesBox.box.width = 300;


this.mainBox.box.width = 950;
this.categoriesBox.box.width = 500;

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