I have created Point to site vpn using azure virtual network. Right now I have

  • 2 vms in vnet (with subnet ip's 10.x.x.x)
  • 1 local machine connected to vnet with point to site vpn (ip 172.x.x.x)

I can rdp vm's from local machine using 10.x.x.x and local machine from vms using 172.x.x.x

My question is - Is it possible to rdp my local machine or vm's outside the network using virtual network gateway ip (using its public ip which is 13.x.x.x)?

1 Answer 1


Is it possible to rdp my local machine or vm's outside the network using virtual network gateway ip (using its public ip which is 13.x.x.x)?

No, it is not possible. I answer your question in Server Fault. You could check it.

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