When Windows 10 batch renames files it uses a format like: "file (1).html".

Is it possible to set the the default for batch renaming to format the files like: "file1.html" to avoid additional characters instead?

1 Answer 1


Not from Windows Explorer. You'd want to use PowerShell or a third party program, many of which are free. Batch renaming is pretty common, so there are plenty of choices. There isn't a way to change the format for the Windows Explorer way of doing things, though.

If you are not comfortable with PowerShell and don't want to download a virus or malware, then I'll go ahead and recommend Irfanview. It's very popular image modification software and it happens to include batch renaming in its functionality (File -> Batch Conversion/Rename). In there, you can specify the exact format you want for the renamed files. And, IrfanView (As well as its plug-ins if you decide you like the image editing part of the software) is 100% free.

  • How could this be done with PowerShell? Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 1:30
  • 1
    As an example, this: Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $_.name –replace “ “,”_” } That will replace all the spaces in the current directory with underscores. In your case, you could replace " (" with "" and then replace ")" with nothing as well (I.e., -NewName {$_.name -replace " (", ""} For full details, see here: [link]howtogeek.com/111859/…
    – Kevin R.
    Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 1:48

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