I am trying to run chkdsk on the boot partition. I have been advised that this is a hidden partition that I first need to unhide using diskpart.

I found this explanation.

But this is what I am seeing. It is unclear to me where the BCD parition is.

How do I proceed? Are there better tools to be checking a disk with such as gparted or are there even custom utilities for repairing the boot partition?


To put this in context, this question arose out of an answer that I received from an earlier question.

1 Answer 1


What we see from diskpart output:

  • Disk 0 is GPT style (disk 1 seems to be USB? in MBR style)

  • System BCD is always on EFI System partition (partition 1 on disk 0 in your case)

You can map partition 1 after selecting it using assign.

Exit diskpart.

Then on command prompt you can run chkdsk.

There is also a very easy solution for mapping EFI System:

mountvol <Drive>: /s

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